The Vauban Quarter was created on an area of 38 hectares, 4 km to the south of the town center in Freiburg, Germany, on the terrain where the barracks of the French military forces once stood. It is an attractive, family-friendly neighbourhood for 5,000 people, in which civic commitment, collective building, and living with ecological awareness has great importance. Perhaps the best example of sustainable building is the Solar Settlement in Vauban, a 59 PlusEnergy home housing community. In 1994, Rolf Disch built the Heliotrope in Freiburg which was the world’s first home to create more energy than it uses.
#Freiburg #Freiburg im Breisgau #Germany #Heliotrope #PlusEnergy home #Rolf Disch #Solar Settlement #Vauban Quarter